


Vues de l'exposition dans la galerie de la cité scolaire de l'Iroise, Brest, 2018

Karma, 2018
_Exhibibtion views at galerie de la cité scolaire de l’Iroise, Brest.
Matériaux de récupération, argile, aiguilles d’acupuncture, chevalets, cuir, encens, pompes à eau, tapis de gym, tronc
_Vues de l’exposition dans la galerie de la cité scolaire de l’Iroise, Brest.__

« Welcome to Karma, your alternative center for relaxation and wellbeing that enhances your tranquillity. Bridge between body and mind - Massage - exchange - sharing - individual or duo session - for optimal relaxation.»

Based on the principle of a wellbeing center, Karma is a space for artistic relaxation located in the heart of the Iroise school.In this installation, the students can take time for themselves, experiment different relaxation techniques. From self-massage to acupressure, through to physical liberation and self-persuasion, they can release the pressures to which they are likely to be subjected.The Karma exhibition is an open place in order to listen to yourself and each other.

(image: imgp2513.jpg)

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