Duo performance with Elise Carron
Invited by La collective, Rennes
Duration: an evening of therapy - pizza / circa 6 hours
Basilic, mushrooms, zucchini, water, cheese, olive oil, ham, mozarella, onions, olives, peppers, tomatoes, salami, banner, easel, couch, electric oven, artificial garlic braids, artificial flowers, cooking pot, hand-painted tablecloth, cutting board, dish towels
Photo: Estelle Chaigne, Isabelle Henrion, Meganne, Anais Touchot
Welcome to La Psyzerria, solo or duo, take a seat on the sofa and come to be psychoanalyzed.
Memories, confessions, bad mood… Would you like some kindness as a topping?
Vegetarian therapy on request.
Come and get your pizza portrait. You can then savor, share and digest your worries…