
UP . 22.03.2024

Avec Anastasia

Avec Anastasia


Photos : Mickaël Phelippeau (n°1, 2) & Philippe Savoir

Alterity in movement in the form of portraits – this is what Mickaël Phelippeau strives for when staging the sensitivity of an exchange or of an encounter. His last piece, Pour Ethan shows us an adolescent’s power and fragility. Today, he shines his spotlight on a high-school student, going from her childhood in Guinea, to her former passion for child beauty pageants, by way of her family, her memories, and the coupé-décalé African dance! Of course, we are “with Anastasia” and at her side as we experience her energy and implicitly witness her intimate trajectories, along with the foundation of her dazzling personality.

- Nathalie Yokel -

The premiere of the full-length performance took place in November 2015 at Théâtre Brétigny, Val d’Orge.

Choreographic piece by Mickaël Phelippeau

Performance Anastasia Moussier

Artistic collaboration Carole Perdereau

Light design Anthony Merlaud

Executive producer bi-p association

Coproduction Théâtre Brétigny, scène conventionnée, L’échangeur - CDC Hauts-de-France

With the support of Scène Nationale d’Orléans

Thanks to Lycée Voltaire d’Orléans