

Data Horizon


Data Horizon

Data Horizon, 2012
LED screen, totem of galvanized steel, adhesive with grey camouflage motif, camera, computer system
Dimensions : 3,40 m x 1,30 m x 25 cm

Commande de Brest Métropole Océane pour la ligne de tramway, station porte de Plouzané
_Œuvre réalisée avec le concours de 3ENIB et du Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle_
Photo : Sylvie ungauer

Commission by Brest Métropole Océane for the tram line, porte de Plouzané station.
Data Horizon shows in real time a graphical and colored representation, created by flows of data taken via RSS feeds on the Internet (air quality, traffic long-distance truck driver, wind speed, activity in the station …).
Data Horizon transforms the waiting and transit area represented by a tram station into a place of possible experience. For a split second, the traveller becomes an onlooker. In deciphering the on-screen data and by interacting with the screen, the utilizer becomes a user.
Sylvie Ungauer develops artwork focused on the observation and study of the networks that structure our society, the relationships between individuals, the places where we live as well as the outside world. The creation of networks between various protagonists –professionals, artists or art lovers – is a recurring element in the conception and production of her work.

Voir une vidéo de Data Horizon :