


Minimalia (mini-mal-ya), 2015

Minimalia (mini-mal-ya), 2015
Plastic houses, bricks, plastic items, billboard, expanding foam, second hand clothing,
Exhibition view ArtParkCraftRaftClinicClubPub, MoBY - Museums of Bat Yam, Tel Aviv, 2015

A shantytown made of plastic play houses. The shift in scale renders the whole installation a mock-up for a makeshift settlement. At the same time, this deployment of child-size fake houses for recreation and outdoor exercise possesses the presence of homeless dwellers who may use this fantastic playground setting for shelter and rest.

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Photos: Gal Deren

White on White, 2015
White phones on white posts
Exhibition view ArKParkCraftRaftClinicClubPub, MoBY - Museums of Bat Yam, Tel Aviv, 2015

Many of us today have phones growing out of our cheeks. There was a time not too long ago when telephonic communication was still tethered to physical connections, what we now call the land line. When a technology becomes stable, invention becomes cosmetic and is displaced from the contents to the container, the shell or casing. Designers begin dabbling in problematics akin to the painter’s endgame, a dilemma verging on decoration that begs the question « where do we go from here ? », « what next ?». They configure and reconfigure, change the contours and typefaces, we go from curves to straight edges and back again, white to bone white to vintage white to metallic white to …
Design becomes a theological affair.

Photos : Gal Deren

Aircut, 2015
Exhibition view ArkParkCraftRaftClinicClubPub, MoBY - Museums of Bat Yam, Tel Aviv, 2015

Photos : Gal Deren