


Texte critique

Back in Five Minutes

Solo exhibition at CAN, Neuchâtel, 2022
Joshua Simon, 2022
The only thing that seems to work in a manner closest to perfect in this world, is online shopping. Everything else just does not work! One could simply observe the incompetent rollout of the COVID vaccine, while online orders were running smoothly. The digital concretizes the abstraction of finance back into our experience of the world. With financialisation, the locus of activity moved from labour to debt, the social realities of digital technologies did not resolve …
Texte critique

The trash collectors of the future had looked at the Constructivists:

Francesco Finizio’s promise
Géraldine Gourbe, 2021
Folded in half on the floor, a scratchy cream bath towel serves as a plinth for a series of ice scrapers. Carefully arranged, the varied shapes evoke a new kind of hieroglyphs. Immediately beside this strange convergence of uses—bodily hygiene and automotive visibility—a modest collection of flat screwcaps are strewn on the ground like forgotten coins, with their deliciously antiquated gilded halo. Compelling in its nonchalance, this detail of the assemblage appears amidst a …

Entretien Francesco Finizio

Alice Malinge and Etienne Bernard, 2021
Alice Malinge : I’d like to begin by asking you about your connection to language and literature. You introduce your exhibition with a poem and you have often spoken of the importance of science-fiction novels and post-apocalyptic stories for you. What role do these narratives play in your work? Francesco Finizio : It’s more about language than about literature. I don’t feel like a very literary person. I grew up in an Italian immigrant home in the United States. The …
Texte critique


Joshua Simon, 2015
Finizio’s work is dictated by the overwhelming material saturation surrounding us. With simple yet sophisticated tools, he utilizes the resources available to him. By employing concrete and everyday means, Finizio’s ongoing research into the languages and gestures of consumerism and mass communications, produce new and poignant articulations of our economic, cultural, social, political and artistic condition. Through the use of DIY aesthetics and an often off-the-cuff …
Communiqué de presse

Yes, we don't

Institut d'Art Contemporain de Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes
Throughout the years 2000 Francesco Finizio develops devices that pursue his exploration of questions relating to exchange, circulation and experience, as well as exposing the difficulty of transmission. Through a constant use of viusal resonances and the association of ideas, he undertakes various experiments combining play and reverie which often border on the absurd. Finizio’s works are devices for listening and transmission which render action uncertain, stop time and …


Podcast réalisé à l’occasion de l’exposition Go Ghost !
Durée : 15’36
Podcast proposé et réalisé par le service des publics du Frac Bretagne à l’occasion de l’exposition Go Ghost! présentée au Frac Bretagne à Rennes, du 12 février au 19 septembre 2021. Les Voix de Francesco Finizio, 2021