
UP . 11.09.2024

The XioP(p)ing Thing

Exposition à la Galerie Territoires Partagés, Marseille, 2019

Galerie Territoires Partagés has vanished. Replaced by Robin et Robin, a chic boutique that sells designer bottled water collected from tenants in the neighbourhood :
Les Robinets du 52, Le Balzac
Les eaux du 83
 Eau du Ravel 20 Eau du Un
black majik 89 : Mélange d’eaux de la coopérative 89 TER
AQUA DEL VERDI : Coopérative Hydrocole du Le Verdi
A small opening leads to the backroom which hides a security terminal that opens onto an airport of the third kind : all that’s missing are the planes. In a relatively reduced space you’ll find security, an instructional video, shopping, the departure hall and the restrooms. The wall of the departure hall displaye what appear to be airline logos. These are derived from tags seen and copied from the walls of the neighbourhood.

Documentation filmée de l’exposition


Photos : FF

Carton d’invitation

