

S'embarquer sans Biscuit

S'embarquer sans biscuit, exposition collective à Passerelle Centre d'art contemporain, Brest, 2016.
Projet d'échange avec le CAN, centre d'art de Neuchâtel,
initié par Martin Jakob et Nicolas Raufaste

“Whistling the wind” is a sound work created for the exhibition “S’embarquer sans biscuit”: it is a multitrack recording of someone whistling. We discover the piece as we move through the exhibition. Behind the background wall appears the “sound-system” of which a video shows the recording session conducted in a room in the basement of the CAC Passerelle, Brest : a sailor strapped to a pole whistles the wind before the vast expanse of a blue screen.

_Exhibitions views S’embarquer sans biscuit, Passerelle Contemporary Art Center, Brest
Exchange project with the CAN, Art Center of Neuchâtel, initiated by Martin Jakob and Nicolas Raufaste__

Whistling the wind, 2016
Vidéo, son