Eternal Refuge
Eternal Refuge
Eternal Refuge is a fable of twenty-six episodes composed in graphite drawings. Fifteen of them, made between 2013 and 2016, are being presented at the Palais de Tokyo. Once put together, they create a form of narrative, tracing the birth of the Clover Hunter and other events in the lives and falls of David Ryan, the artist who embodies him. “In a tedious forest, the Clover Hunter crosses the path of a young woman in a coat of flowers, a wanderer determined to find a refuge in herself, to have all possible loves, and their complementarities, exist within her.” Thus, the story is about lost love and the resulting despair, failure and decline, but also, and above all, a remedy: “no longer to dominate the world through beliefs and imposed ideas”. The point is thus to confront “Nothing”. Situated in an imaginary forest, “another real place whose primary function used to be the debarment and banishing of undesirables”, this fable examines the nature of margins and marginality.
Is invisibility as a social choice conceivable? Can a world be constructed, with its back to reality, but without ignoring it?
Lire le texte dans son intégralité
(image: er1maj.jpg (image: er2maj.jpgimage2 (image: er3maj.jpgimage2
(image: er4maj.jpg (image: er5maj.jpgimage2image3 (file: er-6-make-believe-it-s-nothingjpg.pdf title: Make believe it’s nothing (obscured by Mister Kiss kiss Flop Flop, 2013, fusain sur papier, 130 x 150 cm text:
(image: vignettes-er-71.jpg)image2image3 (image: vignettes-er-81.jpg)image2 (image: vignette-er-9.jpg)image2
ER 7 > And holy finger said i’d kill for
something stronger ER 8 > She saw nothing ! ER 9 > She write the book of love
and the dirty’s men sing :
“Barbare Haine, tu es ma reine !!!”
(image: vignettes-er-101.jpg)image2 (image: vignette-er-11.jpg) (image: vignetteer-12.jpg)image2image3
(image: vignettes-er-131.jpg)image2image3 (image: vignettes-er-141.jpg)image2image3 (image: vignette-er15.jpg)image2image3
ER 13 > The Miam miams’s Colony.
They call me the trail blazor-electric razor ER 14 > God rot good men !!!
declare Mr & Mrs Frontex ER 15 > Vers le pays de l’Ulcère
où l’on refuse de vivre et d’oublier
(image: ep16-vignette.jpg)image2image3 (image: vignette-17thewayouttonotoxicland.jpg)image2image3image4 (image: vignette-18aintnoturningback.jpg)image2image3image4image4
ER 16 > DENFER 1
(Half in love with easeful death) ER 17 > The way out to NOTOXICLAND ER 18 > Ain’t no turning back
(image: vignette-19pleasuring-pleasurablehey-littleanaldwellingbuttpainter.jpg)image2image3image4image4image5 (file: er20-grand.jpg title: Quizas quizas quizas ??? (Quand tu vis, je vis; quand tu meurs, je meurs et quand je meurs?…je vis!!! text:
ER 19 > Pleasuring, Pleasurable
(Hey!, little anal dwelling butt painter) ER 20 > Quizas quizas quizas ???
(Quand tu vis, je vis ; quand tu meurs,
je meurs et quand je meurs ?…je vis !!!) ER 21 > Naissance du chasseur de trèfles
(Everybody’s got something to hide except
me and my monkey)
(image: er22vignette.jpg) (image: er23vignette-thefamilyandthefishingnet.jpg)image2image3 (image: er24vignette.jpg)image2
(image: er25vignette.jpg) (image: er26vignette.jpg)image2 (image: vignette-er27-commeres-and-comperes-leurs-rumeurs-diffamantes.jpg alt: Commères and compères : leurs rumeurs diffamantes…)